Boardinghaus Freising


Whatever what kind of transport you have choosen, by car, by train, by airplane, to find the way to Boardinghaus Freising is very simple.

Journey by car: Follow signposting with direction “Bahnhof” (railway station). Our Boardinghaus is situated diagonally opposite of railway station Freising. If you are there you canĀ“t miss our house. Parking is possible in front of Boardinghaus.

Journey by airoplane:
On airport MUC II please take the bus line ‘635’ with direction “Freising-Bahnhof” (Freising-railway station). Time for transfer about 15-20 minutes. The bus stops in 50 m distance to Boardinghaus. leave thebus, cross the street and you are standing in front of Boardinghaus.

Journey by railway: Leave railway station Freising through main entrance door, have a look to the right, in 150m distance you can see Boardinghaus.